
Truck Driver Training Schools

The quality of your CDL training can impact your trucking career opportunities once you have your license. Before you commit to a driving school, take your time checking out the program. The best way to find out about a particular school’s reputation is to pick up the phone. Call the recruiting department of a carrier you would like to work for and ask them which driving schools’ graduates they prefer to hire. Call your state’s department of motor vehicles and ask them for a list of approved driver training schools. Ask schools for a list of graduates you can call to use as references.

The Professional Truck Driver Institute, or PTDI, is not a school, but it does certify truck driving schools. In order for a program to meet PTDI certification, the program has to go through a thorough accreditation process. PTDI maintains a list of its certified schools on the company’s website, but it’s always a good idea to call the organization and verify that your school is still in good standing. The following list of criteria for quality truck driving courses was adapted from PTDI’s standards. It may help you find a reliable truck driving school.

What to look for in a truck driver training school:



Learn More: Truck Driver School Financial Aid

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